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Using Followers to Promote Your Brand on Social Media


Aug. 5, 2015

It takes time to build up a community on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. Once you get a solid following and find your influencers (users who engage with you often). You can actually use these users to your advantage. It’s best if your strongest influencers have a strong social following of their own. But none-the-less, these users can be vital to increasing your brand awareness.

So how can you put them to work without actually making it feel like they’re working for you?

Three things to turn an influencer into a brand ambassador:


Who doesn’t love getting ‘stuff’? Contests and giveaways are great ways to get your influencers to share your posts. They already love you, so give them something for spreading awareness about your brand through a fair contest or give-away. If they’re getting something from your business (a product, gift card, etc.) they’re more likely to try a little harder to get the word out.

Make them feel important:

They love you, and they want to be noticed. Show them your appreciation in any way you can. Whether you’re posting a photo of them wearing promotional branded gear, or calling them out in one of your posts. A small shout out is enough to keep them connected to your brand. It also calls out to other users who are just coming on board. They see that you’re developing a connection with your users, and they’ll want to have the same connection too.

Engage with them:

It’s so important to respond to every comment and Tweet. Don’t ignore them no matter how insignificant the comment is. Negative or positive, each post you are mentioned in should always be responded to in some form. It shows good rapport, and users always appreciate a response. When you take the time to engage with them, they will do the same.

Influencers are great because they have a social following of their own, which you should want to target as well. By communicating with these influencers and giving back to them you are creating a social relationship that doesn’t just create a connection between the two of you…but with hundreds of others. That’s why I think social media is so powerful. One connection you make can lead to hundreds more. Always take the time to get to know your influencers and turn them into your unofficial brand ambassadors. They are an easy way to increase your social media following and awareness.



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