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Why You Should Push The Limits on Social Media


Jul. 24, 2015

When social media started to become ‘the next big thing‘. People were urging users to be mindful of what they were posting. No drunk photos of you partying, no racial slurs or controversial material. Should ever grace the presence of any social media. But slowly, social media became the outlet for people to really let their true colours show. Sometimes it was bad, sometimes it was really bad. Other times it was funny and entertaining and gained that individual or business a lot of attention.

I think social media is a source of marketing. It’s okay to push the boundaries a little as long as you’re not hurting anyone. Pushing the boundaries is how you get noticed, and how you do well in social media. Let’s be honest, we’re not all perfect. Your business has employees who probably do amazing work. But can also make us laugh and give users something to connect with.

Here are examples of great social media where a business pushed the limits:

Matt Ballasai of Buzzfeed

Having a bad day? When Matt is having a bad day he drinks a bottle of wine on camera at the office and posts them on his Facebook page for all to watch. It’s absolutely hilarious and entertaining. I’m not sure if he had to sign a liability agreement but it’s a really fun idea.

James Hamblin of The Atlantic

His matter of fact videos are incredibly hysterical and add some humour to popular topics. He’s gotten a lot of attention with his dry humour and takes the news to a new level. I recommend watching Tabless Thursday he makes a great point.

Bark Box

They seriously know their target audience and they have fun with it. They talk to the audience as though they were dogs, which makes it extra funny.


Hubspot has a great way of showing everyone who really makes up their company, while also throwing in some ‘serious’ (i.e. legitimate marketing topics) tidbits as well. The posts are generally always branded – but peppered with humour and entertainment. It just shows us the human side of the business, because let’s face it – everyone laughs at work once and a while.

The point is, social media should be utilized in a less conservative way to market your business. Knowing your audience is key first, but if you want connection. You have to show that you have actual humans working for you and that they’re normal. Maybe if you’re a law firm you keep it conservative, but if the business fits…have fun with it! As a user, I’m more willing to follow an account that pushes the limits to make me laugh or stop what I’m doing to see their post. The main thing to keep in mind when you do push the boundaries is that it’s not hurtful to anyone.

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